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A website tool and informational video for Kadant Black Clawson. I researched the recausticizing process, designed a system of icons to represent our products, designed a flowsheet based on the Chemical Pulping Team's specifications, compiled information on each product, prepared all the files and information to be sent to a developer who can make the design interactive on Kadant's website, and designed an animated video of the Kadant Recausticizing system in action.


The process began with the original chart, which was a PowerPoint slide utilized by the engineers. The design team explored how to lay out the chart for optimum clarity, starting with wireframes and the creation of new product icons. Once some layouts were settled on, I worked on designing the chart. Several iterations were created before settling on the final layout, and a video was also animated to more clearly depict the system flow in action.

recaust flow sheet.jpg
Recausticize Flow Chart_v1.3.jpg
Recausticize Flow Chart_v1.2.jpg
Chemical Pulping Icons.jpg
Recausticize Flow Chart_v3.2.jpg
Recausticize Flow Chart_v3.3.jpg
Recausticize Flow Chart_v7.1.jpg
Recausticize Flow Chart_v7.2.jpg
Recausticize Flow Chart_v10.1.jpg
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